Thursday, April 29, 2010

Marin wobbles - Daems is fit

Mönchengladbach - Only a few days until the start of the mission first league. Borussia coach Hans Meyer has to decide to Saturday: Whom do I set up in Stuttgart to the rescue?
What is clear is that is the big boss again tried and tested 4-3-3-system. But the names that Meyer draws up the lottery? 28 players sat Gladbach in the preliminary round a - more than any other Bundesliga.
VfB the hope Bailly, Stalteri, Galasek and probably will be added Dante. Meyers lottery: he finds the right 11 out of 32?
In the back four all depends on Dante's recovery. "Unfortunately, we had the bad luck that we had him in the games where it was about something, not a minute on the pitch," complains Borussia Big Boss. If the Brazilians fit in time defending Daems (gave the green light on Monday for his efforts) on the left.
Dante turns out, Meyer's new captain moves inward and is replaced by Dorda. Laws are Stalteri (outside) and Brouwers (s) of choice. In midfield, chief strategist Galasek and Bradley have their posts sure) in attack Matmour (outside) and Friend (centrally. "In the last two games I tested two versions.
At Dortmund we have a little more defensive oriented with the van den Bergh and the aggressive acts Baumjohann. Against Boleslav I have changed and given a chance and brought Alberman Marin, "says Meyer. "Now I'm concerned, as we accumulate in Stuttgart. But I will certainly not change the team to five positions. "
Because Alberman not convinced, Paauwe has better cards. When convincing 4-2 against the Zurich agreement with Bradley and Galasek worked excellent.
Meyer is brave, he brings playmaker Alexander Baumjohann place Paauwe. Fall victim to this version would Marino, because Meyer does not begin with both because of their defensive weaknesses. Magic dwarf Marko was longer in any of the five tests played an hour, was made three times and two times a substitute. Marin wobbles, Neuville pushing the team. Meyer: "Oliver has done really well against Boleslav and invigorated the game, when he is come clean."