Friday, April 23, 2010

Parents were starved 3-year-old

Thalmaessing - What is happening? Family drama in the Frankish Thalmaessing. Truck-driver Patrick R. (29) and his wife Angela (26) - they have to starve her own child.
Little Sarah - she was only three years old. Her agonizing death must be drawn on for months - have no one to help the girl.
Friday night called Patrick R. and his wife Angela (26) the ambulance service. The ambulance had to be completely filthy apartment only a glimpse of the child to throw - it was wasted in a perilous state: to the bone, apathetic. In the clinic, the doctors tried everything - but too late. The institutions failed.
What are Patrick R. and his wife Angela just for men? On a truck driver's side in the Internet R. Patrick talks about his life, as it would be nice:
"I am a father of a large family, I am an open man. I'm married very happily. I have with my wife four nice children, which I am very proud ... "
Angela R. has other children from a previous relationship, who had cared for the youth. When they turn of the year 2004/05 moved with her new partner in the county was that the Office was informed, "said youth director Manfred Korth.
"Two years is two times a week, someone went to the family," said Korth. Several experts were of the opinion that there was no danger. That is why the visits were reduced. "The last contact was in November 2008."
Now that the three-year-starved, Korth can be explained only by the fact that there must have been half in the past year, a massive change in the family. Whether it was related to the illness of his mother, he could not say. "This is a very tragic story."
Angela's mother was taken to hospital on Monday - emergency surgery. At which the woman suffers from illness is unclear. In Thalmässing been told that the once massively obese woman has recently lost weight.
Her illness, the police, but is in connection with the death of his daughter. Her husband is already in the pre-trial detention.