Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lethal gases France beaches

Paris - danger on the beaches of Brittany! Because of the highly toxic fermentation gases by algae on the Atlantic coast, the French government has now initiated an inquiry.
The worst of the plague in Saint-Michel-en-Grève on the Cote d'Armor is in the northwest. There in July, a rider had collapsed unconscious. He could be saved. Not so his beast. The horse drowned in the sewage gas.
The Ministry of Environment commissioned the French Research Institute Ineris order to analyze the air samples on the masses of rotting seaweed in Brittany. It is intended to find out until the middle of next week, what is the hydrogen sulfide content in the algae heap. It also examined whether there are on the beaches more toxic substances.
The toxic algae have been for years a problem. When the trigger düngerhaltigen wastewater are from agriculture, leading to periodic algal plague.
From Normandy to the north each year at the Bassin d'Arcachon in the southwest of the country up to 70,000 tonnes of algae are cleared away on beaches.