Saturday, May 29, 2010

Lethal gases France beaches

Paris - danger on the beaches of Brittany! Because of the highly toxic fermentation gases by algae on the Atlantic coast, the French government has now initiated an inquiry.
The worst of the plague in Saint-Michel-en-Grève on the Cote d'Armor is in the northwest. There in July, a rider had collapsed unconscious. He could be saved. Not so his beast. The horse drowned in the sewage gas.
The Ministry of Environment commissioned the French Research Institute Ineris order to analyze the air samples on the masses of rotting seaweed in Brittany. It is intended to find out until the middle of next week, what is the hydrogen sulfide content in the algae heap. It also examined whether there are on the beaches more toxic substances.
The toxic algae have been for years a problem. When the trigger düngerhaltigen wastewater are from agriculture, leading to periodic algal plague.
From Normandy to the north each year at the Bassin d'Arcachon in the southwest of the country up to 70,000 tonnes of algae are cleared away on beaches.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Dresden model in the fight against neo-Nazis"

Dresden - They recalled the destruction of one of the ten most beautiful cities in Europe in the second World War. And they set a sign against neo-Nazis: Thousands of people - including many top politicians have - on 64th Anniversary of the bombing of Dresden demonstrated against right. "Go thinking" was the non-party alliance that opposes the collection of Memorial Day by right-wing extremists.
At the same time, according to police drew about 5,000 neo-Nazis and more than 2,500 autonomous through the city center. The police broke up the demonstration of the Autonomous afternoon, after officials were pelted with stones and bottles.
Tiefensee said, referring to the rallies of the extreme right, one should remember not just quiet. "There are attempts in many cities as of right, to show presence," said the SPD politician. "You try to concentrate their limited forces on key events." However, it applies even to go on the road. "Dresden demonstrates how you can fight against neo-Nazis."
Also of Interest
Dresden goes against Nazis

Monday, May 17, 2010

So does the pill faithfully

Baierbrunn -
Men, rejoice! Prevents your wife or girlfriend have to, you have less fear that they cheating on. Actually, most women are on real males. But contraceptive manipulate the female instinct.
According select "Apothekenumschau" women are less dominant and more similar to their partners and are sexually faithful.
The "something" He must have been, if he wants to please you. What makes this icing on the cake can, but women usually difficult to put into words. It must simply be there. In addition, the tastes are notoriously different. One is more likely to type Sean Connery, the other perhaps Brad Pitt.
Sure thing: real men prefer women is when they come into their fertile days. Not only the emotional world plays a role, but also the hormones. A real man is defined then as a particularly masculine, dominant and masculine facial features. In addition, women instinctively choose this time from partner, whose genes differ from their own.
Research scientists have been more than a decade about whether and how the "pill effect" on the men's choice. Often with mixed results. Alexandra Alvergne and Virpi Lumma from the University of Sheffield in England so seized together the results of numerous studies.
Their conclusion: Most studies showed that the "pill" is probably really influences the choice of partners. Women prevent the hormonal choose, usually the less dominant type but rather a partner who resembles them.
"The all-important question now is whether the long-term contraceptives may affect fertility in couples," says Lumma. Because: To prevent infertility and close relatives, has been found during the evolution, the selection of a genetically different partners as particularly effective. And this very fact seems to be the "pill" to manipulate.
Also of Interest
Wrong Partner? Pill to blame
are pill for longer lovemaking's not for fun

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Party Prince Nana in the jet-set fever

Cologne - One can not possibly dance at several weddings - but you definitely can not give too little to celebrity parties gas.
Motto of the Party Prince Nana Domena Cologne (27). The celebration of the man "Filmrizz" parties has expanded its catchment area - only schwofte in Los Angeles with super-VIPs, then in Cannes - and now and again in Cologne.
Q. Ladraa, marketing in-Chief of the labels of "Ed Hardy" (known for his tattoo motifs) had invited Nana to LA. The one who had the very first "Ed Hardy"-organized party in Cologne. Q smuggled him into the U.S. top clubs.
They celebrated with Paris Hilton, met with Young Actor Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht ( "The Wild Things Are"). "A totally nice guy," said Nana.
Return to Cologne, after a few days continue to Cannes. "The rest was nothing." Nana makes promo for the birthday party of "Ed Hardy" designer Christian Audigier. Then he can celebrate with VIPs such as rapper 50 cents. "Einfach nur geil."
Next month we go to Berlin. Then he organized the fashion show after-party of the U.S. labels. Top celebrities included.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

"Bensberg will not be neglected '

He is the new first man in Bergisch Gladbach: Lutz Urbach (CDU). A native of Cologne, is the new mayor of Bergisch Gladbach - with 50.5 percent of the vote.
Starting to work but he has been immediately after his election victory in September: "I could run with many colleagues from the administration, even before I took office conversations. So now we can really get, "says the 43-year-old.
His great concern for the city: "I want to do more for the individual districts. Which have been neglected in recent years, "says Urbach. The first project: "In the Bensberg downtown, there is no way to buy food. This must be changed urgently. Furthermore, I want one day a week even in Bensberg Town Hall for citizens to be there. "
Experience in municipal government was able to gather the family man already in Cologne, has worked in Alt-OB Harry Blum, and Fritz Schramma. A bit typical Cologne lifestyle brings with after Brucker Jung Bergisch Gladbach: "I totally like to celebrate Carnival. My wife was even Tanzmariechen. "